When I was builiding this Website, 4 years ago, I think I just targetting those who live in America. However, during the journey, I just realized that almost from all around the globe accessing this Website. Yes, the people from this very planet, didn’t care if many of them might not speaking english.
Images above are taken from My Google Analytic report for only the last 7 days!. It shows demography, about ‘where’ my location App visitor come from. And as you can see from those maps, only few countries which not come here. US and India are top of our visitor, while Indonesia, as where we are located is average. Maybe because we also built Indonesian version of this website.
Thank You, earthlings!
ps : Yesterday we update this website, with hope on focus mobile friendly design, and Mobile Accelerated to bring the best experience on ads. I still checking and reevaluating during the next months. Please bookmark our main page, to make it easier to get to know your location. Again, thank you Earthlings!